Legal services and representation in English
Kompleksowa obsługa w języku angielskim:
zapewniamy wieloaspektowe wsparcie obejmujące nie tylko tworzenie dokumentów i ich tłumaczenie, lecz także asystowanie klientowi w rozmowach z kontrahentami,
profesjonalne przygotowanie dokumentów prawnych i umów w języku angielskim,
komunikacja z kontrahentami anglojęzycznymi, negocjacje w języku angielskim.
Comprehensive service in English:
- we provide multifaceted support covering not only the creation of documents and their translation, but also assisting the customer in talks with counterparties,
- professional preparation of legal documents and contracts/agreements in English,
- communication with English-speaking counterparties, negotiations in English.
Contact me
Together we can do more
Mobile: +48 502 337 071
Fields of expertise
Agata Kosikowska Law Firm specializes in providing services to both individual customers, entrepreneurs and collective entities. Many years of experience allow us to provide our customers with reliable and professional service in every area of law.
Fields of expertise
Agata Kosikowska Law Firm specializes in providing services to both individual customers, entrepreneurs and collective entities. Many years of experience allow us to provide our customers with reliable and professional service in every area of law.